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Kuumba In Afrikan Arts 

Barbea Williams Performing Company has been providing Kuumba in Afrikan Arts for over 25 years. Kuumba is a 5-week camp designed for children ages 7 - 15. 


This year’s programming continues to highlight the richness of West African Dance, African Diaspora Culture and Art, Drum, Healthy Cooking, and Beauty. As BWPC strives to meet the ever-evolving needs of its community and constituents, this year we are invigorating programming to include STEM and Professional Development. STEM programming in the past has been led by Raytheon Black Excellence Network, Independent Community Engineers, and Scientists. The Professional Development workshops are a compilation of Black Community Professionals in fields such as government, education, healthcare, business, and many others. 


If you are interested in learning more about Kuumba or have questions, please contact us at You can also find the email in the footer below. 

If you are interested in registering a child, please continue below to fill out the Kuumba In Afrikan Arts Registration Packet below.


To ensure youth, regardless of their economic circumstance, can attend, we try to provide need-based scholarships. Please help us ensure equity in access to this incredible cultural, creative, and educational experience by sponsoring a camper’s full tuition of $1,200 for the 5-week camp, partial tuition of $600, or consider making a one-time or recurring donation to help. 


We are also always looking for community volunteers. If you have time to spare and are interested in helping us cultivate a vibrant and thriving community, we want to hear from you.


A little becomes a lot when we come together.

Kuumba Registration Below 


What you give you get 10 times over

-African Proverb 

Barbea Williams Performing Company, Arizona’s premier Afrikan Centered Performing Company. Our emphasis is on Afrikan and Afrikan Latino dance, choreography, choreo-poetry, cultural folklore, and story dance. We use dance to educate and bring attention to current events and social justice issues. We offer dance and drum classes for all age groups and skill levels, community and career-oriented artists.

Email  Phone: (520) 628-7785

3233 South Pinal Vista, Tucson AZ 85713 , USA

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2775 Tucson, AZ 85702

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© 2021 Barbea Williams Performing Company Inc | BWPC | All Rights Reserved | Maintained by Indeh Multimedia Marketing Group 

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